Tax Information
When are my taxes due?
Your entire real estate tax bill, or your first installment, is due by January 31, 2024. If you choose to pay in installments, your first installment is due by January 31, 2024 and your second installment in due by July 31, 2024. Make note that the amount of your installments may vary. If you fail to pay the correct amount, at the correct time, to the correct place it will cause you to incur additional charges.
Where do I pay? Where do I pay?
All payments made on or before January 31, 2024, must be paid to:
Town of Pepin
N2514 Bogus Rd
Stockholm WI 54769
Payments made after January 31, 2024, must be paid to:
Pepin County Treasurer
740 7th Ave. W
Durand WI 54736
Town of Pepin
N2514 Bogus Rd
Stockholm WI 54769
Payments made after January 31, 2024, must be paid to:
Pepin County Treasurer
740 7th Ave. W
Durand WI 54736
How can I pay?
You have several options to make the payment that is due by January 31st, 2024:
Pay By Mail
Make your check payable to the Town of Pepin, write your tax parcel number on the check and enclose the payment stub (the bottom portion of your Real Property Tax Bill) and mail it to:
Town of Pepin
N2514 Bogus Rd
Stockholm WI 54769
Pay Online
The Town of Pepin offers residents the option to pay online but it will cost 2.39% for Credit Card payments or $1.50 for E-Checks. Visit the Pepin County Public Portal.
Pay In Person
Taxes can be paid at the Treasurer’s Office by Appointment only, please call 715-544-7642
Pay By Mail
Make your check payable to the Town of Pepin, write your tax parcel number on the check and enclose the payment stub (the bottom portion of your Real Property Tax Bill) and mail it to:
Town of Pepin
N2514 Bogus Rd
Stockholm WI 54769
Pay Online
The Town of Pepin offers residents the option to pay online but it will cost 2.39% for Credit Card payments or $1.50 for E-Checks. Visit the Pepin County Public Portal.
Pay In Person
Taxes can be paid at the Treasurer’s Office by Appointment only, please call 715-544-7642
What happens if I pay late?
By State law, if you fail to pay the entire amount of your first installment by January 31, 2024 then the option to pay in installments is no longer available. The entire balance then becomes due and will accrue interest and penalty at a rate of 1.5% per month until the delinquent amount is paid in full.
What if I can’t pay my entire 1st installment amount?
We encourage everyone to try and pay at least the amount of their first installment to avoid interest and penalty, it is in your best interest to pay and, reduce the risk of losing your property.
When am I eligible for a Lottery Credit?
If this property was your primary residence on January 1, 2024, please check your tax bill to verify you received this credit. If you do not see it, you can still apply for one at contacting Pepin County Treasurer 715-672-8850 BEFORE January 31, 2024. Remember, you may only have one credit.
How can I get a receipt?
Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your payment stub and payment. If you paid online, print your receipt from the web site.
Where is my refund?
You will not receive a refund unless your payment was more than the entire amount owing. Cash refunds are not given. Refund checks will be issued to whomever paid the tax bill after the check has cleared all banks.
How are my taxes calculated?
Your tax amount is derived by multiplying the value of your property as of January 1, 2024 and the mill rate for all the taxing jurisdictions, then subtracting any applicable credits and adding any special assessments, special charges or special taxes. The amount of your taxes cannot change unless there was an error in the application of one of those things.
Who can I talk to about the assessed value of my property?
The Town of Pepin contracts Lisa Meyer to do our assessments. You may contact her with questions at 715-235-1338.